Brandon O’Connor, Esq.,, (717) 221-7950 With summer coming to a close, business owners are officially in quarter four. It is crucial to address several key items before the year-end. 1. Legal Compliance 2024 has brought several new laws and...
Brandon O'Connor
Business Owner’s Guide: Use of Life Insurance for Buyouts
By Brandon O’Connor and Hunter Rose Greenberg* It is typical to have provisions in the governing documents for your company which contemplate the death and buyout of the owners. Most often, those buyout obligations are funded by the purchase of a life insurance policy...
Business Owner’s Guide: Plan Your Exit
Brandon O’Connor, Esq.,, (717) 221-7950 As America’s largest generation approaches retirement age, we are seeing an influx of business owners looking for an exit ramp. Curiously, we are also seeing business owners of younger generations exiting,...