FTC To Rule on Banning Non-Compete Agreements

by | Apr 19, 2024 | News

The Federal Trade Commission has announced that it will be holding a Special Open Commission Meeting on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at 2pm EST regarding the rule to ban non-compete agreements (read the announcement here). The expectation for this meeting is that the FTC will disclose the proposed final rule followed by remarks by the FTC chair and will conclude with a Commission vote on the proposed final rule.

This Open Commission Meeting follows the proposed rule in January 2023 (available here) that proposed banning most employers from imposing non-compete agreements on their employees. This proposed rule was subject to a 90-day public comment period, during which the FTC received over 26,000 comments.

The Open Commission Meeting is open to the public and will be available via webcast here.

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